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The ever-changing technology of fans

Wasn’t there a time when fans were an absolute necessity? This was in the time when air conditioners were still considered a novelty for...

Modular switches: A lot more than just elegance

Electrical switches are one of the most important devices in a household. Think about it, had there been no switches, how would the...

Untangling the world of hair dryers

Nobody likes stepping out of their homes with wet and frizzy hair. While you are dressed in the prettiest of outfits, leaving home with a...

Importance of lighting in home décor

Paying attention to how your home should be lit is something that requires maximum attention. Come to think of it, a poorly lit room can...

The evolution of kitchen appliances!

With the soaring temperature, having a glass of freshly made smoothie becomes a necessity. However, looking up for a juice shop every day...

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